Monday, September 30, 2019

Internal public relations action plan Essay

Introduction In the fierce competition like happens in the automobile industry, automobile manufacturers are to take strategic decisions in order to ensure that their automobile products match exactly their customers’ needs. This is true as we can learn from several well-known automobile manufacturers, especially high-end ones; that their excellent financial achievement is the result of prolonged customer-oriented strategy that company has implemented for years and also the outcome of customers’ intimacy or retention. The situation suggests that in order to succeed in competition, automobile manufacturers need to develop customer-oriented marketing in order to win customers’ hearts, generate more revenue, and expectedly gain bigger profits. To generate revenue or sales, a company needs to communicate any plans, programs, or events to customers so that they are aware of the company’s program. However, it often happens a misunderstanding when customers complain to a company’s officer regarding a program due to lack of knowledge of the running program or offering. Therefore, communications of products, program, or offering do not only address external entities (customers, dealers, retailers) but also internal entities (employees like security officers, back office people and many others). Concerning the many faces of communication activities, this paper will present a internal public relations plan for products of Burt’s Bees Inc. Prior to providing details of the action plan for Burt’s Bees; I will discuss the elements of creating the communication and the company’s background to obtain the insight about the nature of the company’s business. 2. Communications Plan In order to reach optimum results in marketing a company’s products, the corporation should take into consideration a fundamental procedure of successful communication plan that is developing and implementing a communication plan. This is imperative since customers (external entities) and employees (internal entities) need to be informed about what a company offers to customers. Basically, a communication plan provides complete tools for a company to conduct actions that will support efforts necessary to implement the company communication strategy. In addition, the communication plan also helps the company to reach and understand the target audiences while finding the best approaches to engage them into endless business deals. This is imperative since communicating products to internal executives may be much different from that to employees or customers. For example, internal executives like chief executive officer (CEO) or chief financial officer (CFO) may be interested in seeing revenue and profit that are generated by a program. Meanwhile, customers may be interested in knowing the benefits of the program and pricing plan. Regardless the audiences of internal public relation action plan, generally, it composes of five items; they are Issues, Action, Accountability, Delivery Date, Measurement/Quality Control, and Communication medium. 3. Background of Burt’s Bees Inc. Burt’s Bees was established in 1984 and reside in the cyber world at http://www. burtsbees. com/. The company’s objective is to be a company that manufactures environmentally-friendly products. Roxanne Quimby and a beekeeper named Burt Shavitz are two people behind the birth of Burt’s Bees Inc. The company’s first line products include candles and lip balm, which are made from beeswax and other natural ingredients (â€Å"Burt’s Bees, Inc. Company Profile,† 2005).

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Ethical Decision making by School Principals Essay

Principals are faced with the challenge of managing schools and there is need for them to be ethical, respectful, inspiring, creative and knowledgeable about methods of instruction and the culture of the school and curriculum. These principals are also faced with the challenge of knowing and identifying areas of support that is able to enhance the school’s mission and also manage the areas that impede the achievement of a stated mission of the school. Since the needs of students are ever changing, they should also be in a position to make both smaller and larger adjustments that could be beneficial to the school and easily manageable by the organization in the management of these decisions. (Sousa, 2003, pp. 195-198). A decision is termed as ethical when it is able to bring about positive results and does not harm other people or the third party. These decisions are able to bring forth respect, trust, fairness and caring, responsibility and demonstrate good citizenship. When a decision accomplishes the needs of people together with their purposes, it is then termed as an effective decision. Ethically sound decisions are mostly advanced by two critical aspects namely discernment and discipline. For a decision to poses the aspect of discernment, it requires judgment and knowledge. The strength of character on the other hand, makes up a good decision and this takes moral change and the will power to be able to do what needs to be done (Hoy & Tarter 2004, pp. 56-60). Ethical decision making calls for good leadership from principals. Leadership may be described as the authority or ability of an individual or individuals to lead others towards the achievement of a goal. It involves directing and influencing others towards the accomplishment of the stated common objectives and involves responsibility and accountability for the group. There are various leadership styles that are used today in many organizations and institutions. The autocratic type of leaders apply unilateralist while dominating their team-members in order to achieve a particular objective. However, this method often results to resistance from the team- members, as this style generally requires constant pressure and a lot of direction to get things done. On the other hand, this style could be more effective in urgent situations requiring urgent action (Schiminke, 1998, pp. 107-110). In the Laissez-Faire leadership, little control is exercised by managers over their groups. This allows the team-members to sort out their duties and obligations but the manager is not in any way involved with them. This style of leadership however is ineffective at certain circumstances since the team is left floundering with limited motivation and direction. Laissez- faire is effective in cases whereby a manager leads a team that is highly skilled and motivated and these people have in the past produced excellent work. The Democratic leader on other hand often uses participation and the groups’ teamwork towards attaining a collaborative decision. This style focuses on communication between the leader and the team and hence a positive climate for achieving results is created. The leaders consult their teams before making a decision while still in control of the team. These leaders allow the team to make decisions on how certain duties will be carried out and by whom (Schiminke, 1998, pp. 107-110). In addition, a good democratic leader is one who approves participation by team members and delegation of duties or tasks is done wisely. This kind of a leader values the points put forward from them and also encourages any group discussion. He also empowers the team through motivation. On leadership styles include a coercive leader, authoritative. Leader, affiliative leader, pace setting and a coaching leader. A coercive leader demands obedience, which should be instantaneous and applies initiative, achievement and self-control. In times of crisis or company turn around, this style is considered to be more effective but it mostly creates a negative climate for the performance in an organization. The authoritative leader on the other hand is considered to be one of the most effective as this leader inspires employees to follow a vision, facilitate change and creates a strong organizational climate that results in positive performance. The affiliative leadership values people, their emotions and their needs and relies on friendship and trust to promote flexibility, innovation and risk taking. A pacesetting leader can create a negative climate because of the high standards he or she sets. This style works best in attaining quick results from highly motivated individuals who value achievement and take the initiative. Lastly, the coaching leader builds a positive climate by developing skills that will foster long-term success. This type of leader also delegates responsibly, and is skillful in issuing assignments that are quite challenging. Leadership entails organizing people in a bid to achieve the stated goals of the group. It is therefore essential that leaders should posses certain basic qualities that will enable them to be effective leaders in whatever situation or task they undertake (Guy, 1990 pp. 105-107). Leaders should display a good work ethic that will enable other employees to emulate. A good work ethic includes: being on time, being organized giving praise to employees, being well prepared for meetings and having good communication within the venture that will go a long way towards achieving emotional and financial success. Therefore a leader should set an example with an ethical set of values for other managers and employees. For a leader to be effective, he/she should be willing to constantly learn at the same time integrate the knowledge they have acquired through learning into their leadership style. They must also develop skills that will promote them into being good leaders. Another quality of a good leader is that they should constantly keep up with the current trends in leadership and be aware that the leadership styles are constantly changing. In other words these leaders should be open to change. A good leader should also be able to mobilize people and acquire their trust in the process. Good leaders should also have the ability to communicate effectively with their subordinates communication is an essential aspect since it involves both listening and sending messages or telling others what needs to be done. Moral leaders are in a position to produce good moral leadership. They mostly apply restraint and power in their leadership. They are willing to accept any results without imposing control on other people. This is stewardship. It enables leaders to accept their faults which are human instead of shielding themselves under their authority and status. Ethics can be described as the codes of conduct that guide on how one should behave regarding moral duties and virtues. These moral principles guide a person in determining what is wrong or right. Morality by principals can be termed as personal ethics. This is because personal ethics reflect the expectations of people of all works in the society. Ethics has got two aspects: the ability to determine right from wrong, propriety from impropriety and good from evil. The second perspective concerns the commitment to perform an action that is proper, right and good. The principles of personal ethics include: trustworthiness and honesty, concern for the well being of others preventing harm refusing to take unfair advantage, respect for the autonomy of others and basic justice. Ethics as displayed by principals in schools or any other leaders could be classified as under written and unwritten codes of ethics: codes of ethics are the efforts which are systematic in nature and are used in defining the right conduct. They also provide guidance and help in the installation of confidence in various aspects of life from the government and all organizations. The main guidance is reflected in the decision making process especially where values seem to conflict. Written codes of ethics can be made known by an organization, professional or jurisdiction. On the other hand unwritten codes that exist and that help us in our lives are more effective than the written ones. Un written codes of ethics include rules such as honesty, security, loyalty among others. These unwritten codes of ethics mostly arise from family and cultural tradition and can also be found in workplace. These written and unwritten codes of ethics mostly arise from family and cultural tradition and can also be found in workplace. These written and unwritten codes of ethics are found in the society and they help one in establishing their personal belief system. Ethical behaviors should be a part and parcel of an individual’s daily routine (Murphy & McMurty, 2000. pp. 110-115). I believe that Principals need to make strategic decisions since society and environment are dynamic and this provides them with a means that is strategic in nature that could enable them consider the external environment by focusing on the strength of the school organization, reducing weaknesses in school and also identify all the available opportunities that could put the school at a better position to be able to gain a competitive advantage. School principals are able to make an ethically defensible decision when the decision is well thought considering all the formal possible angels meaning that everybody takes part in decision making. In addition, ethically sound decisions in corporate all the possible solutions regarding the positive and negative outcomes of the decision. The decisions made by school principles need to involve a consultative process, team or group process or delegated duties to the staff members. This will help principals to come up with an ethically sound decision that will have a positive impact to all the members of the society which includes the students. Today, school leaders are the people who are accountable ethically, legally and morally for any decisions that they make in schools. Dempster and Parry (1999) note that the schools pressure mainly arise from four sources that is pressure of involving non-educationalists in the decision making in schools; changes in the growth of knowledge and applying the new advanced technology in learning processes; increased social problems such as suicide, violence and unemployment. This means that school leaders are constantly faced with ethical dilemmas while making decisions in schools hence resulting in conflicting ethical principles. Therefore how ethics/morals impact on decision-making is profound as this could easily change the way society operates. Foster (1986) also notes that it is the actions by the officials of the school that will strongly determine personal codes of ethics and values (Shapiro, 2000, pp. 120-125). On the ethical decision making by principals in schools, Denig and Quinn (2001) proposed a philosophical model with two moral principles namely; care and justice. They argue that most of the decisions that are made by school leaders, are mainly based on formalism which is policy and law and this is aimed at bringing about the greatest good to all (utilitarianism). In other words, this approach clearly views decision making as a rational approach that involves the use of universal principles. The decision maker performs what is right that could result in good deeds to all rather than individualism hence equity becomes the desirable outcome. They also point out that it is only through making decisions by collaborative means that these leaders can be able to analyze the dilemmas and get prepared to encompass the principle of working together with the school system and this eventually results in making decisions that are ethical (Sousa, 2003, pp. 195-198). Greenfield (19991) on the other hand argues that school leaders experience distinct sets of demands concerning ethics. He notes that schools being moral institutions are designed to bring for the social norms and other principles. They should be able to make decisions that are morally acceptable. He further notes that although schools are charged with the responsibility of creating moral values and making moral decisions by dedicating themselves to promote the well-being of their students, it is surprising that the same students have virtually no right to express themselves to what goes on in their schools and it is for these reasons that the conduct of these school leaders need to be moral (Kowalski, 2001, pp. 5-98). Robert Starratt (1991) also talks of equality in social arrangement benefits by arguing that today’s social arrangement results to unequal benefits among people. He argues that school principles should not only behave ethically but also be responsible individuals. Lastly, Green field argues that the authority of the principal is moral and teachers should be convinced that the decisions make by the principal reflects all the values that they support (Nutt, 2002, pp. 50-54). Kidder (1995) defines an ethical dilemma as the responsibilities that people face in making choices between two rights cherished values that conflict are the principle cause of dilemmas. For instance a principal is bound to be faced with a dilemma if at all he/she cherishes both the teacher and student and the teacher decides to enact a policy that will result in low expectations. Some philosophers and thinkers have come up with a number of guidelines that could help to solve these dilemmas faced by school leaders. They argue that leaders should be able and willing to act along the set standards of ethics. They could also address and also should be caring and conscious reflection whenever they lead other people (Nutt, 2002, pp. 50-54). School leaders could also form ethics committees to help them solve ethical dilemmas as these committees could prove helpful in raising the awareness concerning ethical issues, advising educators and also in the formulation of codes of ethics. A quality decision that is made by a school principal will depend on a number of factors made, extent to which others are able to generate a quality solution, how the problem is structured and the degree of commitment. Moreover, decisions made in schools require a lot of staff decision and support. School principals also need to understand the culture of their schools while attempting to make any decisions as this will establish whether the decision made is appropriate for the school. Therefore, these head teachers need to analyze and comprehend any relevant and comprehend any relevant information presented to them together with data. They also need to gather and measure evidence, issue judgments and finally make the necessary decisions. Creativity is essential as these will help in solving any anticipating problems hence development of opportunities for the school. Finally, school principals should be in a position to demonstrate quality judgment. This will enable them to know how and when they need to make any decisions among others. Decisions made by school principals could be autocratic, consultative, Group or Delegated decisions. An autocratic decision is that which the school principal makes it himself / herself by use of the available information or gathered from other groups or people. This therefore requires these school leaders to make appropriate and quick decisions when expected to do them at a particular point in time consultation on the other hand means that a problem has to be shared amongst individuals in order to obtain collective views or ideas but the school principal has to make the final decision afterwards.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Implementation and evaluation plan Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Implementation and evaluation plan - Assignment Example The evidences focus on the systematic reviews of the recommendation and literature according to evidence level, using criteria that are pre-defined. The treatment lines are flagged out based on methods that included expert clinical support and evidence. Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) have the most evidence efficiently. Additionally, both maintenance and acute MDD phases, and have undergone study in combination with the anti-depressants. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy is well researched in connection with bibliography and Computer-Developed methods. The evidence of Cognitive-Behavioral Analysis Systems of Psychotherapy and Behavioral Activation are significant. However, the evidences need replication. Modern psychotherapies that include Commitment Therapy and Acceptance, Motivational Interviewing, and Mind-fullness-Based Cognitive therapy have no relevant evidence as psychodynamics therapy and acute treatments. Although various forms of psychotherapy have been studied, only a few types have been subjected to evaluation in RCTs. Evidence of combination of various kinds of antidepressant and psychotherapy medication is confined despite the vast use of the therapies concomitantly. Lamotrigine is appropriate to the client's problem because according to RCT, almost half of the patients responded positively. This is two times experienced with the placebo group according to level 1 (22, 23). Additionally, recent RCT in clients who responded positively on bipolar depression under lithium revealed that Lamotrigine add-on is superior compared to placebo add-on when used to treat depressive symptoms. This is evident by greater rise in the MADRS scores. According to large RCT, combining olanzapine and fluoxetine is slightly but significantly better compared to lamotrigine immunotherapy. However, Lamotrigine is highly tolerated. Combination of fluoxetine and Olanzapine was linked with statistical significance and positive results in maniac a nd depressive systems when compared to Lamotrigine. On the other hand, the size of its effect was small, and no difference was recorded in their response rate. According to the guidelines of 2005 bipolar, only a single RCT had shown antidepressant efficiency of quetiapine monotherapy in treating bipolar depression (25). Its rate of remission was 52.9 percent in the group consuming 600mg per day and 300 mg per day of quetiapine relative to 28.4% for placebo (Sagar et al., 2009). At earlier stages of testing, quetiapine monotherapy was thought to be immature as an antipsychotic depressant for bipolar. The second RCT confirmed the efficiency of quetiapine monotherapy (26). The study recommended quetiapine monotherapy as bipolar depression first-line option. Further evaluations (25) showed an improvement in health-related standard of life. Client's input can be obtained by conducting a randomized controlled trial. This involves assessing a period's systematic intervention program. This includes carrying out a psycho education program of structured group, monthly telephone evaluation and monitoring of medication adherence and mood symptoms, feedback during the treatment of mental health providers. Additionally, facilitate proper follow-up care and as-required crisis and outreach intervention. The patients can be monitored by augmenting their self-management skill through psycho education. Consequently, the decision support of the provider by

Friday, September 27, 2019

A motivation letter Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A motivation letter - Essay Example n HR-related employee files reflecting salary aberrations, preparing tax returns and training new employees, giving me an appreciation for the complexities of human involvement. One of my primary goals is to work with clients to share problems and discover solutions. Auditing is a fascinating field that I could contribute to with my knowledge of common small-mid-sized business practices. I have a great deal of experience in the accounting field and also bring a strong basis of proficiency in computing systems. After working for a year as a computer engineer, it was a pleasure to develop unique accounting software for one firm and to maintain the existing accounting software for another firm for the past five years. As a computer engineer, I gained knowledge in a variety of application software, computer networking and teamwork skills. I am eager to discover new insights into the auditing field and perhaps discern new ways in which I might contribute. It is my hope that you are willing to accept me as a ready pupil and worker in Your Firm. Should you desire further information or to schedule an interview, I can be reached at Your Contact Information. My current schedule is open from 7 a.m. – 7 p.m. Monday through Friday (timezone) for phone calls. I can travel for interviews beginning next week Tuesday. With more than 5 years in the accounting departments of small and medium sized construction firms in Japan, my experience includes performing bank reconciliations, cash flow analysis and preparing financial statements and I am currently completing my training for a Master’s Degree in Accounting. Duties of my previous positions have also included performing payroll and monthly closing processes; ensuring tax, legal and company compliance with payroll issues; preparing tax returns and training new employees. This experience has taught me much about how business is conducted in Japan, but I have a desire to discover more about how these issues are dealt with

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Organizational Conflict Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Organizational Conflict - Essay Example The current Interactionist View of Conflict believes that conflict is not only a positive force in a group but that it is absolutely necessary for a group to perform effectively. An example of a criminal justice agency in the midst of functional conflict would be underscored by a number of factors including increased group performance, improved quality of decisions, stimulation of creativity and innovation, encouragement of interest and curiosity, provision of a medium for problem-solving, creation of an environment for self-evaluation and change. From data collected from 159 presentence reports, a Midwestern county's felony cases were grouped according to certain variables including race, socioeconomic status, age, criminal record, and marital status of the offender (Douglass 1979). Results showed the severity of bond and plea bargain correlated highly to race. Clearly, vice operations in criminal justice agencies are in the midst of dysfunctional conflict where the development of discontent, reduction of group effectiveness, retarded communication, reduced group cohesiveness and infighting among group members overcomes group goals. We have discussed the differing interpretations of organizational conflict through three viewpoints: the Traditional View, the Human Relations View, and the Interactionist View of organizational conflict.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Traditional News Release Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Traditional News Release - Assignment Example otors discovered that the temperament and mysterious feelings of Johnny Depp are consistent and compatible with the new collections motor designing proposed by Ford Motors. As part of the endorsement, Ford will sponsor the 2014 online action movie of Depp and the company will use â€Å"Mysterious trip with Johnny Depp† as their online advertisement through you-tube. Besides, Ford Motors will design a concept van with twin turbo to be used by Depp in the new movie. The media meeting for finalization of the endorsement event is scheduled for March 24, 2013, at Dearborn, Ford Headquarters. SOUNDBITE 1: Alan Mulally (12 seconds) â€Å"Johnny Depp is perfect for Ford Motor’s new collection. Ford Focus is the main push car next year. We add more mystery style in its core design concept. Mr. Depp has that mysterious and noble temperament.† SOUNDBITE 2: Johnny Depp (9 seconds) â€Å"I am a big fan of Ford cars, and I had a Ford Fusion in high school. I feel excited and honor to be chose as the new spokesman of Ford, and I look forward to our cooperation.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comparing between Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Comparing between - Essay Example On the hand a conflicting conclusion has been raised by the study conducted by Cambridge University and Medical Research Council (CUMRC). This study concluded that saturated fat found in dairy protect against type 2 diabetes. The CUMRC only linked alcohol, red meat, carbohydrates and fried food as causal agents to diabetes but affirms that dairy food prevents type 2 diabetes risk. The CUMRC daunting challenge is only establishing how various food ate corresponds to fatty acid levels. The finding thus uproots an earlier notion of risks of Cheese products that were previously linked to higher amounts of cholesterol and type 2 diabetes and recommends its increased consumptions as a protective mechanism against type 2 diabetes. In conclusion, the two CUMRC’s findings have been affirmed by the chief coordinator of the Inter-Act project, Prof Nick Wareham. He has noted a lot of confidence in the CUMRC’s findings and hence thumps up the position that saturated fat in dairy products protect against type 2 diabetes hence downtrodden ‘Epic-InterAct Study’

Monday, September 23, 2019

The culture of an international non-profit organisation Essay

The culture of an international non-profit organisation - Essay Example This essay using the cultural web analyzes the culture of a non-profit (referred to here as Company X). Company X is a not-for-profit organisation founded in 1981 in the United States as a charity aimed at improving the lives of children and families. Over its 20 years the company’s mission has narrowed to or become more specific targeting early childhood care and education, children’s rights and grassroots community development. Company X is currently headquartered in California in the United States but has a presence in five continents as follows: Africa – Kenya, Zimbabwe and Ghana; Asia – India and Nepal; Europe – Norway, South America – Chile and North America – the U.S. Company X primarily obtains its operating resources from individual and corporate donations predominantly from within the US. To supplement this funding, Company X owns and runs two exclusive pre-schools in California that boast of an enviable waitlist as well as f our other high cost pre-schools in the same state. Over and above this, the non-profit has offered and continues to offer consultancy services on early childhood care and education at very competitive rates to other non-profits, for-profit corporations and even governments such as the government of Singapore, Ecuador and even the state of California as another source of funding. The local chapters in Africa and Asia have wholly been dependent on obtaining slices of the US funding â€Å"pie† to sustain their programs. ... To supplement this funding, Company X owns and runs two exclusive pre-schools in California that boast of an enviable waitlist as well as four other high cost pre-schools in the same state. Over and above this, the non-profit has offered and continues to offer consultancy services on early childhood care and education at very competitive rates to other non-profits, for-profit corporations and even governments such as the government of Singapore, Ecuador and even the state of California as another source of funding. The local chapters in Africa and Asia have wholly been dependent on obtaining slices of the US funding â€Å"pie† to sustain their programs. However, with the global recession of 2008 hitting the US funding base, Company X has been pushing for heads of its global chapters to source for local funding to sustain their programs. Company X has been implementing this slowly over the last three years through activities such as the following. First it has instituted greate r controls, monitoring and reporting over all funds disbursed. Then it demanded that each chapter develop their own five year strategic plan which will show how they will increasingly source their own funding. Thirdly, from 2009 Company X reduced its funding by 10 to 15 per cent depending on their projections over which local chapters had better odds of fundraising depending on the economic condition of that host country. The problem though is that to date none has successfully fundraised. With the economies of Europe and America, poor for the former and sluggish for the latter, the typical donors that Company X relied on have tightened their purses as they cautiously weigh their own investments. This coupled with the rising economies of

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Similarities and differences of Domestic Human Resources and Essay

Similarities and differences of Domestic Human Resources and Multinational Human Resource policies and practices - Essay Example y The third step would entail the differences between the two The fourth step would comprise of the evaluating assessment The final will provide a conclusion and sum up of overall report and the learning outcome from the entire work. Defining the two concepts: Prior to defining the two major types, it is important understanding and defining the generic manner and purpose for which human resource operations are undertaken. Human resource practices have been in voyage ever since there crept in a realization for the rights of workers and improving the overall working environment that would facilitate more benefits to the organization in terms of profits, customers’ relationship and employees well being (Ehnert, et al., 2013, 119). While each associates to handling and manoeuvring of the manpower and the resources at hand, the two differ with regard to their scope, applicability, resources, practices and outputs desired. These differences may come up in a tangible or intangible ma nner. Differences between the two modes of Human Resource Management practices: Tangible Differentiating factors: Apart from the scope of each, there are certain specific and tangible differences between the two kinds of human resource practices (Regis, 2008, 163). Multinational practices entail involvement of more than two partners. These partners are most across different set of region and geographical locality. Extent of cluster: The level of subsidiaries between the two icons differ in number with multinational resources involving more complex outlook and more extended subsidized pattern. Geographical consideration: The geographical consideration and factor is of value and distinction between the two forms, for multinational human resource practices, it is vital to understand and implement... Trainings are an essential component of the global Human resource management processes. Without it any mission is bound to fail based on the lack of experience and firsthand knowledge. Training allows equipping one’s self and mind towards the upcoming challenges, new scenarios, and new circumstance and this in turn, enables successful operations. Investing more in the training domain and providing training on all fronts ranging from technical to non and physical to psychological will help to save a lot of time and money that is otherwise spent on processes that may not yield any substantial output. It is the key and secret to the success of productive global HRM strategies and outcomes. All the major organizations that are operating at mass level across multiple countries and continents have training techniques and procedures in practice that allow the accomplishment of goals in the most desired manner.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

My Favorite Movie Essay Example for Free

My Favorite Movie Essay As a teen, I was not much into movies, which always got my parents concerned. My parents were very broadminded; they encouraged me to see all types of movies, to develop my interest, so that I could â€Å"know the real world†, as they believed that cinema was a reflection of our daily lives. My brother, who was 15, was even more concerned about my disinterest in movies, and took upon himself, the pious duty of introducing me to the realities of life, though in a starker way. He had a huge collection of seemingly boring movies on his laptop, which he hid from my parents, and which were really good comedies I think. Anyways, when God decided that the time was ripe, I started taking interest in movies. But my genre was horror, yes sir! How I loved those teddy-bear type cuddly cute ghosts, romping without footwear and grunting! I loved the multi-colored vomits and also the shrieks and shouts of the fellow onlookers at the cinema hall.. it was all so hilarious! Yeah, I mean what I say, because I loved these movies for their comic elements, and not horror. I would wait with baited breath for the huge hairy ghost to appear, and wait breathlessly for him to stumble, or fall.. actually sometimes their masks would be so obvious, that one waited for the mask to obstruct their eyes, which often did. Witches who would howl and try scaring were completely oblivious to exposed lace under the skin outfits, and they would unceremoniously get caught in their own tatters and fall down the stairs with a thud! I could go on and on, but dear readers, let me jump on to my favorite movie amongst all I saw. I had watched many a movie, till I saw the posters of this movie appear on all city walls. It was called â€Å"Paapi Guddi ka Papa Gudda†, which crudely translated would mean â€Å" Devilish Doll’s Dad’s a Doll†. This magnum opus I guess, was much ahead of its times, like my elder bro (though for different reasons), and this I guess was the reason why it did not fare well at the box office those days. It was about a loving dad and his daughter, who move to a countryside home and get possessed without much ado. A series of exorcisms then begin, but not before the dad and the prodigal daughter have rid the countryside of a big part of the population. The duo, after dismembering their victims would treat them in some chemicals and stuff them and decorate their mantelpieces with these new fashioned dolls! I don’t remember who the cast and crew were, because they were never heard about after the movie. Sometimes I think that many of these poor actors perish on the sets during the making of the movie for want of medical aid, or even food. But let me not digress dear reader, lets move on! The movie was rated â€Å"R†, and I had to see it any cost. It was summertime and I convinced my parents that our school was taking the entire class to a special show for kids of the movie â€Å"Santa Comes, and How!† I then got my dad’s raincoat to make me look an adult and even bought a cigarette, just to gain entry. The readers can imagine a 13 year old midget, wearing dark glasses, cigarette in hand, and a long raincoat trailing behind me, as it does when you see models in Gucci evening gowns with white satin trailing them mopping the ramp! I was accosted by the checker at the cinema gate and was about to be dishonored when he comfortingly said,† No smoking inside the hall please†! I was so relieved, I thought I was about to be caught, but my clever camouflage was a hit. I coolly chucked the cigarette behind me with a style that could beat Chuck Norris, and saw a big hole made immediately in my dad’s raincoat trailing behind me! Thankfully the raincoat was so oversized that I could just turn around and stomp out the fire, still I had to carefully cut and alter the length later so that no one suspected; except my confused dad who kept remarking, †Strange! Never saw a raincoat shrink before!† The movie was a real laugh riot.. for me I mean. The stupid audience was so scared that they turned the hall upside down shrieking, howling and shouting. These elders, I thought, have no self control. Could they not just enjoy the movie quietly? I was just getting into the story and waiting for those fun moments to appear when the man beside me suddenly shrieked. I turned around to see him staring at the usher who had come out of nowhere and beamed his flashlight on the poor guy’s face! After a minute or two, when the cute cuddly bear type ghosts made an appearance, a much louder shriek was heard, which got everybody’s attention. It was the usher himself this time, having beamed his torch on some woman, and getting scared himself. The lady was not pleased at all, but I must admit that she could have done with a little more make-up before venturing into some public place; its just not right to scare people, right? The movie was so entertaining!! The dad had already turned into a monster and was now attired in a hairy suit, strings of which were visible behind his neck. At one juncture, while accosting a victim, the string got stretched, and he was just about to gasp for air and scream himself, when the editor played a spoilsport and ruined the fun. Well, more would come I thought, and it did. In one scene, while chasing a victim, who, God alone knows why, was strolling in a cemetery at the dead of night, the monster dad clearly tripped over a pointed stone and one could see painful emotions on his face, which the editor also could not conceal. He even swore badly, as I was good at reading lips, but the words were not dubbed later I guess. The daughter too had her shares of bloopers, when in one particular scene she had to shout to scare a victim in a bathroom, she accidentally peeked in the mirror and shrieked loudly! Obviously her make-up as a ghost was so convincing that even she got scared of her own reflection! But nothing could be hid from my eyes though, because I always had an eye for details since the day I was born. I even remember the soft, pink fingers of the nurse who delivered me, but that dear reader is another essay material! When the dad was first brought to justice by the local folk, the scene involved a lot of ketchup and sauce, and many juniors standing behind could be seen licking their lips with their tongues! The dad was laid in a coffin and a makeshift priest was to exorcise the dirty soul. The priest looked really holy in his white robes, except for flashy red jockey shorts highlighted under his raiment. His bald head showed from under the wig, which was secured around his egg-shaped head with a lace, supposed to be skin colored, which conflicted a good three shades with his skin and one end of which was clearly visible hanging behind his ear and annoying him no end! And when he was to hammer the wooden stake in the guy’s chest, the small piece of wood that shielded the man’s chest and was directly under the stake, showed, and even slipped when the hammer-blow fell, and the devil in dad winced in pain! It was so genuine that the poor guy hit the roof without the aid of any special effects and landed back in the coffin with a thud, and the dad thankful to the crew for not providing a metal stake! The audience shrieked and wailed throughout, and when the lights finally came on, many more shrieks were heard! One woman shrieked seeing the man sitting next to her chewing her stole! The man shrieked seeing the woman shriek! An old guy screamed discovering he had chewed his umbrella handle! Another screamed at his popcorn spilled in his lap, not out of fear, come on! The popcorn was buttered and he had ruined his best pair, that’s why! Another woman shouted wildly, discovering that the man to her left was not her husband, and whose hand she had been holding throughout! Her husband who was seated to her right, was slapped by the man on his right, whose hand he was holding, thinking it to be some woman’s! There were even more screams as a lady had sneaked in with her cat, which went berserk listening to the shrieks of the audience. Two girls who were my age, shrieked on seeing their parents seated next to them! In short it was wholesome entertainment! The movie was good fun, with plenty of gaffes and bloopers for me. And what a surprise, I even found my English teacher while leaving the cinema hall. Yes Sir, I had seen you that day, and I do recognize your wife, who looked quite different that day at the movie. Yes Sir, I do know your address and your phone number Sir. Hope you enjoyed the essay Sir. And just to mention Sir, I need a minimum of 80 percent marks in this essay to pass my English test. I know you won’t let me down!!

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Impacts Of Terrorism On Uk Tourism Tourism Essay

The Impacts Of Terrorism On Uk Tourism Tourism Essay Chapter 4: 4.1 Introduction: Terrorism is the biggest threat to UK economy and also documented to have biggest threat on tourism industry demand. This chapter focuses on the short term impacts on UK tourism and related industries demand after September 11 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and July 7 2005 terrorist attacks on London. The studies show that, these attacks caused big shock to tourists attitudes to travel toward UK destinations and also change the image profile of tourist destinations in UK, especially London. Moreover, this chapter will also find that some UK destinations (like London) experienced strong negative impacts on the attractiveness and image for short term than others. 4.2 Targeting the Tourists: Tourism industry represents a significant contribution to UK economy. The past decade terrorist attacks caused significantly decline in foreign exchange receipts, it also increase government costs and gain political advantages over UK government officials (Hall and O Sullivan 1996). These terrorist attacks have changed the tourists perception to travel UK and they preferred to go safer destinations to enjoy their holidays. According to Keenan Steve (2003), UK tourists receipts dropped by 12.9 % as the result of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks (Table 1). The Maley J. (2006) report, after London bombing tourists frightened away from Capitals major tourist attractions. The National Gallery had 15.2%, Tate Modern, London Eye had 12% and London tower 9.7% fewer tourists than last year. As Hall and O Sullivan (1996) said, the tourism is a symbol of capitalism for an economy. Attacking the tourism industry means, attacking the government policies and in this way terrorists strengthenin g themselves against government by making the government look weak. Table 1: International Tourists Arrivals in UK after September 11 2001 MONTH / QUARTER UNITED KINGDOM % COUNT CHANGE JANUARY 255,140 5.2 FEBRUARY 307,587 -5.8 MARCH 370,319 0.4 1ST QUARTER 933,046 -0.5 APRIL 418,837 -11.9 MAY 359,168 -5.9 JUNE 354,505 -6.4 2ND QUARTER 1,132,510 -8.4 JULY 410,208 -4.1 AUGUST 415,076 0.6 SEPTEMBER 317,035 -31.1 3RD QUARTER 1,142,319 -12.1 OCTOBER 330,791 -26.3 NOVEMBER 275,931 -31.5 DECEMBER 282,661 -25.1 4TH QUARTER 889,383 -27.6 Year-To-Date Average 4,097,258 -12.9 Source: Different scholars have defined and explain terrorists objectives in different ways and most scholars have agreed that terrorists gain their objectives by targeting people. Richter and Waugh (1986) said that, terrorists goals can be classified as revolutionary, sub-revolutionary or anti-government. For closer examination several other objectives emerge. Firstly, targeting tourists help terrorists groups to achieve their strategic aim and objectives by creating fear in people, destabilizing the economy and gaining the media attention. Targeting local and international tourists provide platform to terrorists with the advantage by gaining free international publicity and disrupting local tourism industry. Richter and Waugh also said that the terrorists can travel with other travellers and carry out big foreign currencies financial transactions without arousing suspicion. Over the past decade, the international tourism has become very popular. Terrorists have recognised the importance of tourism industry in economies. As a result, they had demonstrated by number of attacks on tourists. When international tourists involved in terrorist attacks, media coverage is guarantee and media keep these incidents alive for weeks and months. According to Weimann and Winn (1994), media coverage make terrorists hero and amplify their massages to enhance their moral legitimacy. By targeting tourists, terrorist groups main objectives are to secure the media attention. It is a modern tact for terrorists to keep themselves alive in local and international media news for weeks. When international tourists killed or kidnapped, the whole situation in instantaneously dramatized by local and international media, which can cause political conflict between establishment and terrorists. Terrorists achieve their objectives, when media increase its rating or circulation. The Second major objective of terrorists is to achieve their ideological objectives by targeting tourists, which can cause clashing cultures, values and socioeconomic levels. Terrorists target tourists for their symbolic values. The July 7 2005 London bombing was the prime example of terrorist attack on world famous tourist destination and cultural city. The bombing on public transport killed over 50 passengers including some foreigners. In this incident, terrorists targeted public transport to create uncertainty and cultural differences between different communities in UK. The major impact was on UK government foreign relation with foreigner tourists countries and accused (terrorists) countries. The foreigner tourists countries are demanding justices for their innocent civilian killing and UK government is demanding from accused countries to take strict measures to control terrorism. The conflict between different communities and countries resulting from clashing values and cultures was aptly demonstrated in past few years after terrorist attacks. The tourism literature demonstrates that, tourism can be medium of communication as well as the massage initiated by terrorists. Terrorists violence against tourism industry fuelling political, socioeconomic, religious and cost effective instrument used to deliver broader massage as opposition. In either case, the terrorists aim to target tourist is not coincidental and for terrorists, tourism industry is high profile, symbolism and free publicity which not to be left unexploited. 4.3 Levels of analysis: The economic impact of terrorism on UK tourism can be calculated from number of ways. There are direct costs to the industry and indirect costs to responding these events. The cost can be calculated in number of ways, for example, how much money would be lost in any productive work if we stand up in a line for an extra hour every time, we flew or travel for security checks etc. In past the economist experts have tried to calculate the economic impacts of terrorism on UK tourism for Years. They agreed that, the terrorist attacks have both short and long term impact on the tourism industry. The short term impacts are psychological factors (for example fear of flying, uncertainty), and long term impacts are decline economic performance, spending on war on terrorism (both cause unemployment and loss of earning) and long time to recover the tourism industry long term down cycle. 4.4 Effects of terrorism on UK tourism: There are number of studies that show economic impacts of terrorism on the tourism industry. The studies of IMF 2001, Hobjin 2002 and Navarro and Spencer 2001 concluded that the direct cost on tourism demand (output) seems relatively small and short term. Terrorist attacks do reduce the economic growth, although the estimated impacts are smaller than the cost of internal conflict. When September 11, 2001 and July 7, 2005 terrorist events happened, it effected UK tourism industry both directly and indirectly and disrupted the whole UK economic process. To make the impacts of their activities stronger, terrorist groups targeted airline industry, local transport system, tourism destinations, public areas and other businesses. But, travel and tourism industries were the prime and attractive target for terrorist groups in past decade. Because, these industries presence is everywhere and their aftermaths are deeper on society and on the economics. 4.5 Direct Effect of Terrorism on UK Tourism and Related Industries: The tourism industry generates huge economic benefits for the UK economy. The main economic benefits of tourism are foreign exchange earning reserve, employment, tax revenue and business development opportunities etc. According to the world tourism organization report, tourism is one of the top five export categories and source of foreign exchange earnings for many countries. For UK economy tourism is one of the biggest sources of foreign exchange earning. This foreign exchange can be used to import goods needed for other economic sectors. Tax revenue receipts by HMRC from tourism industry can be divided into direct and indirect receipts. Direct receipts are the taxes on income earned by workers and businesses. The indirect tax receipts are the duties levied (VAT) on goods and services purchased by tourists in UK. In past few years, UK tourism industry has been through a very difficult period. It failed to keep up with global arrivals growth, after September 11 2001 terrorist attacks, outbreak of foot and mouth disease in 2002 and July 7 2005 London bombing. The September 11 2001 terrorist attacks have biggest impact on UK international tourists arrival and airline industry (Graph 1). UK tourism industry is heavily dependent on air transport for tourists arrival. After September 11 2001 terrorist attacks people were hesitate to travel on aeroplanes, because the terrorist threatened to hijack the plans. These threats shocked the UK tourism industry. After 2001 terrorist attacks and 2002 foot and mouth disease shock wave, UK tourism industry started recovering its position. In 2004 UK tourism industry reached its peak and 27.7 million tourists arrived in UK during this year. They spend over  £13 billion in UK economy directly and indirectly. Further growth in tourism industry was forecasted fo r coming year, and in first six months of 2005 UK tourism industry boomed and hit the forecast target but July 7, 2005 bombing thwarted the tourism industry again. According to LCCL (2005) report, in first three weeks of July 7 terrorist attacks, UK tourism industry lost in excess of  £300 million. Graph 1: Impact on International Arrivals in UK Source: British Tourism Framework Review 4.5A Impact on Airline industry: Direct effects of terrorism have instantaneous effects on the tourism and related industries. Airline industry is one of those industries. Many travellers were fearful of travelling after September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, because terrorist threats to target airlines. These threats caused huge decline in air travel passengers, as a result number of European and US airlines cut back number of flights and some airlines carriers went completely out of business (Swiss Air, metro jet) for couple of days (Lennon and Leary 2007). Before September 11 2001 the airline industry was already under pressure of surplus capacity. According to Francis and Humphreys (2001), at the end of October 2001, BAA Plc (Owner of Londons main airports) reported that World trade centre attacks have broad impacts on UK air traffic. The worst effected route was Trans Atlantic traffic route. It was reported that almost one million passengers declined in October 2001 at Heathrow airport, of which more than half m illion were Trans Atlantic routes passengers. Because, the Heathrow airport is the world most important long haul international travel destination. While the short or local haul traffic demand was down by 11 percent compare to previous year. July 7, 2005 terrorist attacks were direct attacks on London Local bus and train networks. As a result the London underground train services were suspended for couple of days and transport companies lost millions of pounds. This loss was the direct damages and declined in the number of passengers travel toward London due to security reasons and fear of more terrorist attacks. The airline industry also had severe impacts of London bombing, because for the short time period many tourists and travellers cancelled their flights and holidays. 4.5B Increase in Security Cost to tourism related industries: The latest terrorist attacks on London caused new and tightened security measures at hotels, entertainment centres, bus and train stations, airports, sports stadiums and tourists destinations. Some of these security measures are deployment of more security personnel on airports, historical places and city centres, installation of better screening system on airports and other public areas to scan and examine travellers and their baggage, more random checks of passengers, installation of surveillance cameras to monitor suspicious people activities. All these security measures have caused big increase in cost to government departments and businesses; as a result they increase their products and services prices and all burdens goes to end user of the products and services, which may be tourists. 4.5C Impact on tourism related Jobs: Terrorism crises cost many jobs in UK and rest of the world. According to Travel trade Gazette (2002) report, The World Travel and Tourism Council estimated that over 10 million travel jobs were lost worldwide after to September 11 2001 terrorist attacks. In United Kingdom, just in October 2001 tourism revenue declined by 25 percent, as compare to the last year, as a result thousands jobs were lost in London (Travel trade Gazette 2002). According to Riley O. (2002), in just three months after September 11 incident, it was announced, that UK tourism industry total loss were over  £600 million in revenue. In first two months, over three thousand hotels and other related businesses workers lost their jobs in UK. July 7, 2005 was the direct attacks on London, as a result London tourism declined and thousands of people engaged in tourism and tourism related industries lost their jobs. In past couple of years UK tourism industry was generating over 10 billion pounds a year and provides e mployment more than half a million people in the London city of more than 7 million people, which represent 10 percent of population. 4.5D Impact on Hotel Industry: The UK tourism and hotel industries are growing side by side and UK hotel industry is highly depending on tourists. The hotel industry performance in Europe suffered badly after September 11 2001 terrorist attacks. The UK hotel industry was booming before September 11 2001 terrorist attacks, because hotels in London which relay on tourism industry and high end US business were most exposed. According to Travel Research International Ltd (2001) report, just in September 2001 over 25 percent London hotel industry revenue declined. Based on preliminary information available, the hotel occupancy rates for the rest of the year are forecast to be 65 to 75 percent, compared with 81 percent in 2000 (Graph 2). After September 11 2001 international hotel chain Hilton Group has reduced it capital expenditure budget from  £150 million to  £75 million in response to decline in entire hotels chain revenues. In first two months there was a 10.7 percent fall in Hilton hotels chain revenues. Many hotels in all UK cities suffered from lack of American business, five star hotels in London down by 32 percent and four stars hotel by 15 percent. The UK hotel industry had suffered badly after July 7 2005 terrorist attacks on London. Data from PKF Accountants and business advisers (2005) shows that, the London hotel occupancy down by 4.9% on the same month last year. Outside London regional hotel showed .7% fall in occupancy. According to Monaghan G. (2005), UK hotel and travel industry stocks including TUI, AG and Hilton Group Plc slumped by July 7 2005 London bombing, which hurt the citys tourism industry. The FTSE 350 shows that hotels and leisure index dropped by 5.8 percent; it was the biggest decline in Leisure and hotels index since September 11 2001 terrorist attacks. UK tourism industry had been recovering from three year slump in industry followed by September 2001 attacks and UK tour operators was receiving a boost from London win a bid to host the Olympics in 2012. Expert said due to tourism boom about 75 percent London hotel rooms were occupied between 2004 to June 2005. Soon after July 7 0005 terrorist attacks on London hotels occupancy declined down to 65 percent, as a result of decline in tourists (Graph 2). The share prices of Hilton group and Inter Continental Hotel Group Plc slumped to 7.2 and 6.4 percent respectively. Graph 2: Hotel Occupancy in UK after September 11 July 7 Attacks Source: PKF, Deloitte and TRI Consulting Press releases 4.5E Impact on Sports Tourism: During the week of terrorist attacks on London, all major sporting events in the London and other cities were cancelled and postponed for the future dates, because of security concerns. These included football matches, local cricket league matches etc. Thousands sport fans travel from abroad to attend sport events had cancelled their trips. The local sport fans from other UK cities had also cancelled their trips toward London to attend sports events. Each attendee spends an average of  £100 to  £150 for admission, food, accommodation, parking and miscellaneous items. After July 7 2005 terrorist attacks many sport tourists had cancelled their trips to attend events or changes their mind to travel to London. Many months later after attacks sport tourists were still hesitating to travel London attend sports events for safety and security reasons. 4.5F Impact on Travel toward the UK Destinations: September 11 terrorist attacks not only impact on US travel and tourism, UK was also curtailed. Many countries issued warning to travellers to avoid countries such as US and UK, because of more threats of terrorist attacks. As a result, Great Britain saw over 25% declines in tourism revenue in September and October 2001 as compared to the previous year. July 7 2005 London bombing also adds fuel to the fire. Several thousands tourists were cancelled their vacation plans and business trips to the UK and other Europeans countries. Many UK tourists also cancelled or postponed their holidays within the UK and many hesitate to travel toward London. As a result, hospitality industry in UK had lost millions of pounds in revenue. 4.5G Impact on Tourists Safety, Attitudes and Beliefs: Tourists always prefer their safety before they travel. Terrorist attacks on London city 2005 and New York 2001 had very strong affects on the UK tourism industry, because it was a big challenge to the tourists security beliefs. When tourists travel, they do not want to expose any hazards. The safety is the main concern for them. The terrorist attacks are the biggest threat to travellers and tourists personal safety, which reduce the travellers propensity to travel. The September 11 2001 attacks clearly demonstrate the tourism industry and Sonmez S. (1998) said that tourists substitute risky destinations with safer choices, demonstrate a delayed reaction to terrorism and exhibit cultural differences in their reactions to risk or threat. As a result many tourists had switched their holidays toward safer destinations in other countries. 4.5H Impact on Tourism and Travel Services Suppliers: The travel services suppliers are operating in very comparative market and at very thin margins are vulnerable to any decline in demand. Tour operators and travel agents in UK were already under growing pressure from direct sell methods between customers and service suppliers. The impact of September 11 2001 terrorist attacks had weakened the airline and related industries and July 7 2005 terrorist attacks on London had made matters worse. The difference is that, these suppliers have less rigidity than the airline and related industries; hence contractions in size and closures are likely to be permanent. The tour operators and travel agents in UK have been hit particularly hard by terrorist attacks. According to the Association of British Travel Agents report, after September 11 2001 terrorist attacks, the number of agents closing has increased, compared to the same period last year, because decline in air travel tourists demand. The UK tourism mainly depends on air travel and for survival many travel agents were cutting costs by shedding staff. Just Thomas Cook had announced 1500 job cut, which was representing 12% of its workforce. Many months after the terrorist attacks UK tour operators reported that, booking are not improving, tourists and holiday makers are hesitate to travel toward UK. Although holidays packages were being discounted and booking were offered at short notice. The UK tour operators were reported to reduce there capacity by 20 % for coming summer, although Association of British Travel Agents forecasted that booking will fall by only 5% in next summer. 4.5I Impact on Tourists Spending Pattern: The Tourism industry Emergency Response group reported, that the spending by overseas tourist in UK is likely to decline by 300 million as a result of July 7 2005 bombing. The decline in tourism spending generates negative impact on UK total spending and employment pattern. The direct impacts of July 7 2005 terrorist attacks were many tourists cancel or postponed their trips to UK because of their safety. The effects of cancellation and decisions not to travel cost UK tourism industry huge losses, which contributes 4 percent to UK GDP that represent $2.1 trillion. Just London accounts 50 percent of total UK tourism industry of foreign tourist revenue alone and provide gateway for tourist travelling to other UK cities. 4.6 Indirect Effect: 4.6A Change in tourists demand heterogeneously: While the indirect effects of terrorism on UK tourism industry include prominent decrease in tourism demand after terrorist attacks and many months after these terrorist attacks foreign tourists were still hesitating to travel toward UK destinations. Many tourists permanently switched to other world famous tourists destinations. The decline of tourists demand also compels UK authorities towards the new policies and their immediate implementation, with the aim to minimise long term impact on tourism demand. According to Loewenstein et al (2001) the indirect effect contains fall in tourists demand, which may interrupt or disconnect the industry demand. It is evident that UK tourism industry operates according to the demand of overseas and local tourists. The above discussed terrorist attacks are infecting a widespread of common fear of individuals which in results decline in tourism demand. 4.6B Change in Tourists Behaviour: According to Sunstein (2003) the asperity of those adverse cases detect to which level these events are painful and emotionally attach towards the memory of individuals. Janis and Feshbach (1953), fear is a specific mental state, it appear with the surety of non availability of security or when there are predictions of more incidents in future. More over it is obvious the tourists get some kind of impact from continuous state of fear from terrorism. Czinkota M. R. (2005) said that economic research also has roots in correlation among behaviour and emotion. The negative emotions like state of fear definitely affect tourists travelling behaviour. Leventhal (1970) narrates that excessive fear of terrorism is look out of control for tourism market. Sunstein (2003) said, the terrifying effects of terrorism, tourists over estimate its occurrence in certain ways. The behaviour of over re-acting about terrorist attacks fear traces people to make demand of extra improvement in remedies from a uthorities and government. This kind of tourists behaviour also had strong impacts on tourism industry. 4.6C Long Term unplanned expenses: The terrorism caused major decline in all UK economic sectors, which results the huge reduction in long term profits in all type of industries. Tourism sector is one those economic sectors which had direct and indirect impacts. The decline in tourists demand after terrorist attacks to travel toward UK destinations caused big reduction in long term profit of tourism and related industries. To bring back tourists and to recover its position, UK tour operators were offering special offers to tourists, like reduction in holiday packages, travelling packages, hotel packages etc. All these price cuts results tourism industry has to face un-planned expenses and reduction in revenue, which was the indirect impact on tourism sector. 4.6D Impact on Tourist Destinations Image: The UK tourism industry is very popular in overseas tourists, because there are number of places of interest throughout the Great Britain including museums, castles, stately homes, royal palaces, theme parks, Zoos, art galleries, gardens and many more historic places. The image importance of UK tourism industry can be viewed as it is sixth largest destination in the world (over 190 countries). This reputation and image took years to build but past decade terrorist attacks pointed many fingers toward it stability. The UK tourism had suffered largely due to derogatory history of terrorism in London and other main cities in past. The July 7 2005 terrorist attacks added fuel to the fire. For short time many overseas tourists cancelled their holidays due to more terrorist attacks fear, which had direct and indirect impact on image brand on UK tourism industry. After these terrorist attacks UK tourism industry image brand took months to recover in tourists mind. 4.6E Impacts of Government Regulations on Tourism: Czinkota et al (2004) said that there may be need of making of policies, laws, and regulations for public in reaction of these terrorist attacks. While determine to improve security conditions, these regulations cause delays in efficient tourism industry operations. According to Sustain (2003) these government regulations sometimes does not help really in growth of economy and tourism industry, also effect negatively. These new polices of checking tourists and their languages imposed on airports, sea ports and train stations cause more trouble to tourists, increase security cost, time wastage and also decrease the efficiency. 4.6F Impact of Foreign Polices on Tourism: The way foreign relations alter because terrorism is not predictable and it is mixed blessing in so far foreign policy concerned. Terrorism unites the nations as well as separates them. The nations unite on common agenda of tackling terrorism and break with forever due to it. The foreign relations of different countries are based on co-operation and mutual interest of governments. Terrorism causes misunderstanding and disruption between countries. Once confidence or relationship between countries is broken, it never revives or takes very long time to build the same and strong relation again. Both countries government could be right and wrong at the same time. The country accused of the terrorism sometimes may not be in a position to control the terrorism and on the other side target country cannot believe that accused country is taking strong action against terrorists or sometimes believe that accused country is sponsoring the terrorist to achieve their interest against target countr y. Terrorism has become major issue in the UK foreign relations, especially after July 7 2005 terrorist attacks. It also has changed the style and direction of UK foreign polices. Now it is the first and most important thing to consider before entering into any agreement of mutual benefits. UK government has introduced new and striker polices for many countries visitors and travellers due to week foreign relation of those countries. These polices have discouraged many tourists to travel toward UK because of strict visa rules, security checks and questions at airports etc. 4.7 Summary: Terrorism affects tourism activities deeply, this threat compel almost both local and international tourists, which cause decline in the revenue and profit of tourism and related industries. On the other side, the whole UK economy has to bear the cost of every single act of terrorism. It is the responsibility of UK government to develop and make polices to tackle the terrorist threats. The government is also liable for making such kind of policies and regulations that give some relaxation to overseas tourists to enjoy their travel and holidays in UK. This may help UK tourism industry to reduce its losses.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Literary Analysis of The True Story of Hansel and Gretel Essay

Set in Poland during the German occupation, â€Å"The True Story of Hansel and Gretel† is told as a fairy tale, utilizing many of the elements that are common to fairy tales. This book reflects the Grimm brothers’ fairy tale, â€Å"Hansel and Gretel.† However, in Murphy’s parable, Hansel and Gretel are two Jewish children who are abandoned by their father and stepmother in order to save them from the Nazis. Setting the tale in Nazi Germany creates an atmosphere of fear and anxiety, and establishes a set of circumstances in which it is possible for people to act in ways that would be unacceptable under other circumstances. The stepmother is a good example of this. She is the force in the family – it is she who decides that everyone in the family will have a better chance of survival, if they split up – the children going off alone together and the parents going in another direction. Unlike the portrayal of the stepmother in the Grimm fairy tale, this stepmother is not wicked. She is strong willed and determined, but not evil, although she is protecting herself and her husband by abandoning the children. Using the stepmother as the villain is common in fairy tales, according to Stone in her article â€Å"Things Walt Disney Didn’t Tell Us.† She suggests that the woman of the family is nearly always chosen for the part of the villain. But in Murphy’s story, the stepmother’s actions, while they may appear villainous at the outset, may be construed as heroic in the end, because she only abandons the children in order to save them. She also cares deeply about the children’s welfare, enough that she loses her life as a result of attempting to find them. In this instance, Murphy is reminding us that the horrors of the time were so great th... ...s not asked to use logic and hence the emotional impact of the story is more direct and perhaps more potent. This book left me with a deeper sense of the horrors experienced by the Polish people, especially the Jews and the gypsies, at the hands of the Germans, while illustrating the combination of hope and incredible resilience that kept them going. Works Cited Murphy, Louise, (2013). The Real Story of Hansel and Gretel. Penguin Books. Stone, Kay (1975). Things Walt Disney Never Told Us. The Journal of American Folklore, Vol 88, No 347, Women and Folklore pp42-50, University of Illinois Press. Hansjorg, Hohr, (2000). Dynamic Aspects of Fairy Tales: social and emotional competence through fairy tales. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Vol 44, No 1, Department of Education, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Shakespeares Hamlet - King Claudius :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Hamlet’s King Claudius      Ã‚  Ã‚   Salvador de Madariaga in â€Å"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern† discusses from Shakespeare’s Hamlet Claudius’ relationship with the two emissaries and friends of Hamlet, who were escorting the prince to his execution in England:    The two young men receive from the King a commission which, whatever the King’s secret intentions may be, is honorable. Hamlet, the King in fact tells them, is not what he was. The cause of the change "I cannot dream of."    Therefore, I beg you so by your companies    To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus That opened lies within our remedy. (n. pag.)    Is Madariaga correct in saying that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were innocent pawns in the hands of a cunning king? This essay intends to present other critical points of view on this and other questions concerning the character of King Claudius.    The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his father’s brother’s quick accession to the throne of Denmark. Philip Burton in â€Å"Hamlet† discusses Claudius’ sudden rise to the Danish throne upon the death of King Hamlet I:    The fact that Claudius has become king is not really surprising. Only late in the play does Hamlet complain that his uncle had "popped in between the election and my hopes." The country had been in a nervous state expecting an invasion by young Fortinbras, at the head of a lawless band of adventurers, in revenge for his father’s death at the hands of King Hamlet. A strong new king was immediately needed; the election of Claudius, particularly in the absence of Hamlet, was inevitable. What is more, it was immediately justified, because Claudius manages to dispel the threat of invasion by appealing to the King of Norway to curb his nephew, Fortinbras; the ambitious young soldier was the more ready to cancel the projected invasion because the object of his revenge, Hamlet’s father, was now dead, and in return he received free passage through Denmark to fight against Poland. (n. pag.)    G. Wilson Knight in "The Embassy of Death" also interprets the character of Claudius as less guilty than he appears to most critics: Shakespeare's Hamlet - King Claudius :: GCSE English Literature Coursework Hamlet’s King Claudius      Ã‚  Ã‚   Salvador de Madariaga in â€Å"Rosencrantz and Guildenstern† discusses from Shakespeare’s Hamlet Claudius’ relationship with the two emissaries and friends of Hamlet, who were escorting the prince to his execution in England:    The two young men receive from the King a commission which, whatever the King’s secret intentions may be, is honorable. Hamlet, the King in fact tells them, is not what he was. The cause of the change "I cannot dream of."    Therefore, I beg you so by your companies    To draw him on to pleasures, and to gather So much as from occasion you may glean Whether aught to us unknown afflicts him thus That opened lies within our remedy. (n. pag.)    Is Madariaga correct in saying that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were innocent pawns in the hands of a cunning king? This essay intends to present other critical points of view on this and other questions concerning the character of King Claudius.    The drama opens after Hamlet has just returned from Wittenberg, England, where he has been a student. What brought him home was the news of his father’s death and his father’s brother’s quick accession to the throne of Denmark. Philip Burton in â€Å"Hamlet† discusses Claudius’ sudden rise to the Danish throne upon the death of King Hamlet I:    The fact that Claudius has become king is not really surprising. Only late in the play does Hamlet complain that his uncle had "popped in between the election and my hopes." The country had been in a nervous state expecting an invasion by young Fortinbras, at the head of a lawless band of adventurers, in revenge for his father’s death at the hands of King Hamlet. A strong new king was immediately needed; the election of Claudius, particularly in the absence of Hamlet, was inevitable. What is more, it was immediately justified, because Claudius manages to dispel the threat of invasion by appealing to the King of Norway to curb his nephew, Fortinbras; the ambitious young soldier was the more ready to cancel the projected invasion because the object of his revenge, Hamlet’s father, was now dead, and in return he received free passage through Denmark to fight against Poland. (n. pag.)    G. Wilson Knight in "The Embassy of Death" also interprets the character of Claudius as less guilty than he appears to most critics:

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Capricious Camera Essay -- Germany Nazis Phototgraphy Papers

The Capricious Camera In the years between 1933 and 1945, Germany was engulfed by the rise of a powerful new regime and the eventual spoils of war. During this period, Hitler's quest for racial purification turned Germany not only at odds with itself, but with the rest of the world. Photography as an art and as a business became a regulated and potent force in the fight for Aryan domination, Nazi influence, and anti-Semitism. Whether such images were used to promote Nazi ideology, document the Holocaust, or scare Germany's citizens into accepting their own changing country, the effect of this photography provides enormous insight into the true stories and lives of the people most affected by Hitler's racism. In fact, this photography has become so widespread in our understanding and teaching of the Holocaust that often other factors involved in the Nazi's racial policy have been undervalued in our history textbooks-especially the attempt by Nazi Germany to establish the Nordic Aryans as a master race thro ugh the Lebensborn experiment, a breeding and adoption program designed to eliminate racial imperfections. This other side of the story, so to speak, is evident in Nazi photography, but is not easily accessible or even immediately apparent to viewers. The photograph Mounted Nazi Troops on the Lookout for Likely Polish Children would not be so shocking or historically suggestive without the caption to describe its significance. Who is this young white girl surrounded by armed soldiers? Is she being protected, watched, persecuted? It would be easy enough to assume that she is Jewish, but unlike photos documenting the Holocaust, with this image the intent is uncertain. In our general ignorance of the events surrounding th... ...saw the image as artistic, subsequent events compel us to try and see the image of the Polish girl with Nazis as journalism. In this endeavor, we must uncover as much as possible about the surrounding context. As much as we can, we need to know this girl's particular story. Without a name, date, place, or relevant data, this girl would fall even further backwards into the chapters of unrecorded history. Works Cited "Mounted Nazi Troops on the Lookout for Likely Polish Children." Clay and Leapman. Clay, Catrine and Michael Leapman. Master Race: The Lebensborn Experiment in Nazi Germany. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1995. Milton, Sybil. "The Camera as Weapon: Documentary Photography and the Holocaust." Multimedia Learning Center ÂÂ ­ Museum of Tolerance. The Simon Wiesenthal Center. 1999<http:// annual1/chap03.html>.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Negative Effects of Aggressive Advertising Essay

Advertisements are everywhere, traveling by all ways possible, infiltrating the privacy that every person holds important to themself and their family. Ads may travel inconspiciously, while the final message they deliver through radio, tv, or billboards, is a harmful nuisance, and one that may root itself unscrupulously into the unconcious minds of honest people. Companies have taken on such aggressive promotional measures that advertising has become degrading, disruptive, and destructive. One of the most corrupt forms of advertising comes from cigarette companies. Cigarette advertisements are degrading not only because the products behind them are proven to be a health hazard, but because the advertisements are focused toward younger generations. Many advertisements use young, attractive, healthy looking models when advertising for a brand of cigarettes or beer. Company promotions have led people to affiliate certain products with feelings of happiness or euphoria. There is no doubt that people smoke the most heavily advertised brands of cigarettes. â€Å"Tobacco advertising increases young people’s risk of smoking by using themes that appeal to them, such as fun times, action, and being popular and attractive.† (Family Education 1). Ads that supply the Surgeon General’s warning along with the main body of the message are blatantly contradictive. These ads prove that there are many forms of advertising without any morals, and that companies will g o to great lengths to have their name and image promoted regardless of the results. The nation’s companies have put themselves before the children. Visual product promotions may not only corrupt viewers, they may also be financially destructive to the communities surrounding them. A billboard can negatively impact the visual character of the area as well as financially lower the surrounding property values. Local economies don’t suffer when communities control billboards. â€Å"A study in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania found that property values rose as much as two hundred fifty five percent after the removal of nearby billboards† (â€Å"Scenic America† 3). Negative aspects of billboards greatly outway the very few, positive, economic upturns a sign  may provide. Billboards may advertise products from television companies to tacos. A sign that fufills its purpose may only provide an increase in profit for one individual business, but in turn will cause a much greater loss in local property values and visual pollution. Visual pollution is the obstructing presence of objects that do not compliment their surroundings. These include stratigically placed advertisements on roads and highways that hinder the aesthetic beauty of consistent, natural surroundings. â€Å"I do not think the short term gain such signs would bring to my business are worth the permanent degradation to our scenic roadsides or the insult to our citizens and visitors who have come to expect more of us† (Scenic America 3). Yet, the degenerative billboard industry flagrantly continues to defeat attempts at regulation. Once again, aggressive advertising has demonstrated that some companies will resort in placing themselves before the community. Not only can advertising be destructive and degrading, it can easily be disruptive. Annoying phone calls may not be considered a dangerous menace, but they do severely disrupt the daily flow of business and personal life. The feeling of invasion is commonly felt when a telemarketer interupts a family dinner, or disturbs a Sunday afternoon nap. The phone call becomes an intrusive cloud that no one cannot hide from. Missouri Attorney General Jay Nixon said, â€Å"Ever since the founding of this country you’ve been able to put a no-trespassing sign on your property. With the invention of telemarketing, that no-trespassing zone no longer includes your dinner table† (Savoye 2). There is no purpose for an advertising operation so aggressive that it breaches the privacy of the American home. This type of disturbance indicates corporations are stepping over the boundaries. When people do nothing to stop the actions of telemarketers, it indicates that control is lost and that th is sort of aggressive advertising is accepted. It is the lack of rigid control over ruthless telemarketers that implies society has been completely enveloped into a world of infinite, disruptive, worthless persuasion. E-mail has created a new form of quick, reliable communication, but recently has been shadowed by another form of troublesome advertisement, spam e-mail. Spam has increased so drastically within the past five years that it has  created a burden that affects almost any person with an e-mail address. It has even come to hinder the very foundation it was built on. â€Å"The explosion of spam today threatens to flood the critical arteries of the networks that carry all e-mail, whether consumers want it or not† (Wenzel 1). Spam has elevated product promotion to a different level where quantities are so tremendous that they block all potential of decent communication. E-mail boxes are so often emptied without the content being reviewed that the advertising email has already destroyed the opportunity of being effective and now poses a hindrance to the efficiency of the entire world network. Perhaps if the nation depended on a much weaker economy, such aggressive advertising could be relevant even if it destroys the privacy of individuals, the beauty of the nation’s landscapes, or attempts to promote unhealthy habits among children. Some view billboards as nothing more than a harmless structure of posts and panels. Many believe that signs are necessary to provide consumers with the perpetual temptation of newer products. It is understandable that entrepreneurs want to make money, but, morally, these aggressive actions by companies should not be endured even if the economy did make a turn for the worst, and they certainly should not be commonplace now. Aggressive advertising is an infestation of termites knawing at the honest framework of society. Much of the work in promoting products involves a dishonest form of thinking, and one that strives to root itself into the next generation. Advertisements have infiltrated almost every part of the nation and have manipulated the very core of society. Corporations have been to the extremes of advertising, only to create ads that disrupt, degrade, and destroy the quality of life. Works Cited Wenzel, Elsa. â€Å"Spam Wars Get Serious† PC World 2 June 2003 24 June 2003 Savoye, Craig. â€Å"States Spare Residents From Telemarketers† 22 December 2000 24 June 2003 Scenic America â€Å"Billboard Control: Fighting Visual Pollution† 24 June 2003 Family Education Network â€Å"Cigarettes — Don’t Believe the Hype† 24 June 2003

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Argumentative Essay on Teen Pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy is a major issue in the United States. Some people say that this is society’s fault. Although having sex and getting pregnant is due to personal choices and decisions, there are a few things society could do to prevent it. Excessive teenage pregnancy could be controlled with appropriate media, more readily available birth control, and people to set good examples for young women. Just flipping through the channels on a Saturday afternoon you can see all sorts of inappropriate media full of sexual suggestions.Even aside from all the sex scenes in movies, there are shows SPECIFICALLY about teen pregnancy. Shows like Teen Mom and 16 and Pregnant make pregnancy seem acceptable and cool. If having sex at young ages didn’t seem like the cool thing to do, many teens wouldn’t do it. Taking inappropriate shows and movies off the air could make a difference in the teenage pregnancy rate. There are many forms of birth control.In a lot of arguments about tee n pregnancy there is talk about making condoms more readily available, but I think that other forms of birth control that are more consistently effective should be promoted instead. Condoms are important to use, but many times they can break or be ineffective. Plus let’s face it, in the heat of the moment lack of a condom doesn’t always keep sex from happening. Birth control pills are a cheaply made, more effective form of birth control. If forms of birth control such as the pill were cheaper and easier to get, more teens would be protected and less would get pregnant.The world in general is in need of good role models. Anyone that tweens and teens look up to should really try to focus on setting a good example. In a world full of bad examples, its especially important to set good ones for the group of people in that developmental stage. Teenagers need role models to protect them from falling victim to the pressures of today’s society, especially the sexual ones . In conclusion, I believe that teenage pregnancy is a very important issue.The sexual society of today’s America has resulted in a large increase in teen pregnancy. Programs that promote teen pregnancy and things that lead to teen pregnancy should be taken off every day television. Although it is going to be impossible to keep teens from having sex, making birth control extremely easy to use and get ahold of could have a huge effect on the teenage pregnancy rate. These two things along with good parental guidance and support, and good role models to look up to, would keep most teens from getting pregnant.

Wendell berry, what are people for?

Wendell Berry’s essays â€Å"What Are People For? † and â€Å"The Work of Local Culture† both examine the farming profession, which has in recent years been demeaned as the rural population falls and large â€Å"agribusiness† replaces smaller family farms. Berry argues in both pieces that farming is not an outdated lifestyle, but a necessary profession. In â€Å"What Are People For? † Berry discusses the exodus from farm to city since World War II, attributing it to failures in agriculture.However, he disagrees with claims that failed farmers deserve their lot, or that the farm population has a large surplus; he comments that â€Å"It is apparently easy to say that there are too many farmers, if one is not a farmer† (123). Berry maintains that â€Å"our farmland no longer has enough caretakers† (124) and that the rural exodus has harmed both urban and rural America alike. Agribusiness has not only harmed small farmers but also the soil itself, and displaced rural people are not often absorbed into the urban economy.Berry sees farming as a necessary occupation, which is needed even more urgently in light of soil erosion and other damage done to fertile agricultural land. It is not simply a job or lifestyle, but a crucial stewardship of nature. Farming is a skill, and well-managed farms and healthy soil are proof; agribusiness’ reliance on machinery and destructive methods may be â€Å"modern† but ultimately counterproductive. What people are for, he implies, is to work and maintain the land.In â€Å"The Work of Local Culture,† Berry makes a more developed argument in favor of human stewardship of farmland and claims that a â€Å"good local culture† of farm people is required to perform this important work. He sees farmers not simply as a rural dweller, but as skilled professionals better able to manage agricultural land than big businesses, because they possess intimidate, detailed know ledge of the land, from the weather to its natural processes and its smallest attributes. Land is becoming rapidly despoiled, and only knowledgeable farmers can remedy this danger.â€Å"Practically speaking,† he writes, â€Å"human society has no work more important than this† (155). Farmers form the â€Å"local culture,† which he defines as â€Å"the history of the use of the place and the knowledge of how the place may be lived in and used† (166). It is based less on money than on community, shared knowledge and experiences, and rapidly vanishing skills of managing the land. The local culture can and must educate others in how to maintain and use fertile land, generate its own economy, and maintain its sense of community.Farming is more than a job, but also an important part of a rural way of life that is vanishing rapidly (and should not). Himself a farmer, Berry sees farming not simply in economic terms, but almost as an art or craft, requiring skills and attention to more than just economics. He does not pit city against country and argue for the latter’s superiority; instead, he sees their interdependence and spends relatively little time condemning urbanites.He also thinks rural dwellers are themselves partly to blame; they â€Å"connive in their own ruin . . . [and] allow their economic and social standards to be set by television and salesmen and outside experts† (157). Berry’s essays convey the importance of farming as a vocation devoted to caring for the land and providing a foundation upon which society is based. It involves more than simply growing food or raising livestock; it forms the foundation of rural communities and entails important skills required to keep land productive.In his view, agribusiness and modern economics are no substitute for the skills of a traditional farmer equipped with intimate knowledge of the land He does not disparage cities or modernity, preferring instead to firmly de fine and defend the agrarian way of life as the weakened foundation of American society – a foundation that urgently needs repair. Berry, Wendell. What Are People For? San Francisco: North Point Press, 1990.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Deviance Behavior and the Possible Causes Essay

Some may say its biological or psychological and even sociological reasons. There have been many studies to try and determine why people have deviant behavior and what happens to individuals when norms are broken. Not all behaviors are judged the same by all groups. For example, some may question if there are conditions under which suicide is an acceptable behavior. Lets same one person commits suicide in the face of a terminal illness but another person is a despondent person who jumps from a window, the second person may be judged differently. The first person’s suicide may be looked at with pity which the second person would be looked at in a shameful way. Another behavior that would highly be considered deviant would be committing a crime. For example, juvenile gangs provide an environment where young people learn to become criminals. Gang members glorify violence and retaliation as means to achieve social status. Whether it is an act of a crime or gang violence, criminals learn to be deviant as they embrace and conform to their street or gang’s norms. Americans consider such activities as alcoholism, excessive gambling, being nude in public, starting fires, stealing, lying, prostitution, and being gay to name only a few as being deviant. Therefore people who engage in deviant behavior are referred to as deviants. References Richard T. Schaefer. (2012). Sociology – A Brief Introduction (Tenth Edition). McGraw-Hill Companies Inc, New York. Sociology of Deviance and Crime. (2013) By Ashley Crossman.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Enlish Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Enlish Literature - Essay Example son narrative by a character named Jack but his role is limited because he just percepts what had happened in Dummy’s life without going for deeper analysis. So, Dummy’s possessiveness with his stools, his grief over fish’s death and finally murder of his wife and the resultant suicide were all presented in the form of narration by young Jack without any analysis of the characters’ mindset. Even the killing of his wife was handled without indepth analysis. â€Å"Did in his wife with a hammer and drowned himself† (Craver). Based on the average number of words per sentence in the first three paragraphs of this story, the construction of the sentences, and the vocabulary used, one can easily assume that the intellectual level of the narrator is on the lower side. That is, Jack being a boy, his spoken words or narration was less matured and borders mostly on continuous narration, without scope for analysis. So, because of this continuous narration without any assessment, the intellectual level of the narration is directly consistent with Jacks apparent inability to analyze and explain the events which he describes in the

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Child abuse as a social issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Child abuse as a social issue - Essay Example A child can develop well only when he gets proper education and health care facilities. Well-being of children can be assured only when the society has the ability to protect the rights of its children and safeguard them from injury and abuse (Jack & Gill, 2010, p.82). Child welfare agencies are formed for protection of children and their all round development. These agencies make their decisions regarding their child protection policies about permanent well-being of children. These decisions are based on interviews taken of children and families who have been reported for child abuse or neglect. The efficiency of child welfare policies depends on the ability of the agencies to conduct proper investigations of the mistreatment received by the child. Only precise conclusions about safety of children derived from the information collected from such investigations can build effective case plans. Workers of these agencies who take the responsibilities of taking interviews of children mus t have the knowledge and skills to make emotional inquiries in a sensitive manner. The agencies should be able to impart necessary values and knowledge to their workers through effective training in order to fulfill their child safety missions (Pence, 2011, p.50). Over the past three decades the philosophy and strategies of determining whether intervention is necessary in situations where a child is abused or has the potential risk of being harmed or injured have altered. The traditional method of child maltreatment investigations which involved participation of criminal and juvenile laws has evolved. Now, there are more â€Å"understanding of risk and safety, political pressures, implementation of evidence-based and research-supported interventions, philosophical shifts, and other variables† (Pence, 2011, p.51). Where traditionally the agency workers used to take action based on complaints of abuse, now take necessary steps to collect correct information regarding the truth and extent of maltreatment and what case plans should be made to ensure the safety of the children and promote protective behavioral patterns in the caretakers (Pence, 2011, p.51). There are many factors that determine the shape of child welfare services – the number of children in a population who are abused or are at risk, the social and economic conditions of the families and their technological advancement, prevailing ideologies concerning the children and the other members of their families, political pressure from different groups, and the principal views about reasons behind poverty, illness and crime. One criteria that is a permanent issue of child welfare agencies is to find solution to problems of those children whose parents cannot provide proper care. Although the proposed solution is â€Å"permanency planning†, history suggests that such planning cannot abolish the need of wide-ranging public provisions for children who are poor, neglected or disabled (Mal lon & Hess, 2005, p.10). The rate of child abuse has grown significantly all over the world and is essentially evident in North America and Western Europe. Between the years 1980 to 1993, the number of children who have been subject to mistreatment has doubled. This is a grave matter which has imposed great strains on the child welfare age